Dental Implants Are a Food Alternative to Dentures
Dental implants are an additional option to conventional complete or partial bridges and dentures correcting mouth gaps as a result of ongoing improvements in contemporary dentistry. A dental implant consists of three parts, starting with the insertion of titanium screws into the gum and jawbone to serve as new tooth “roots,” similar to how a natural tooth has a root, pulp or dentin, and a crown.
Modern Dental Implants Miramar are the finest option to replace your natural teeth if you have lost one or more of them. Every component of a natural tooth, including the tooth root located below the gum line, can be replicated with dental implants.
An abutment or connector is secured on top of the titanium screw once the gums and jawbone have healed and accepted the titanium root. The new tooth crown, the last element, is put in place. The end result is a permanent new tooth that is as stable as a natural tooth and allows for worry-free chewing of all types of food.
The dentist will initially plan the entire procedure. During the planning stage, the dentist scans your jaws using laser technology and 3D scanning, then collaborates with the dental lab to build a unique dental implant. The dental implant won’t affect your jaw in any way.
Natural teeth are supported by gums, which in turn are supported by the jawbone, a bone that is located behind the mouth. When teeth are lost, the supporting structure of the jawbone weakens, changing the facial structure and causing the corners of the mouth and cheeks to sag and sink. A complete mouth dental implant stabilizes the false tooth crown and stimulates the jawbone in the same way that real tooth roots do.
On the afflicted location, a tiny titanium post is positioned to serve as the implant for the tooth root. Following the healing of the jawbone, a process known as “osseointegration” causes the post to fuse with the bone, securing it firmly in the jaw and serving as the missing tooth’s root. The new tooth is then secured in place by the dentist by attaching a dental abutment to the post. After that, a porcelain crown is affixed to the tooth to match its color and shape.
Full mouth dental implants by Miramar General Dentist spare the surrounding teeth from wear and tear and the necessity for tooth trimming for a bridge or denture that does not have a root to attach to these natural teeth. They also prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting and leading to bite alignment issues. The outcome is a weakening of the natural teeth when they perform double duty in supporting bite pressure of the artificial denture and bridge.
When a tooth is lost, the jawbone quickly begins to deteriorate in density. Under the gum line in the jaw, dental implants encourage bone formation, preserving its strength. This may aid in saving any remaining teeth in the future.
Liam Rodriguez is the author of this article. To know more about Miramar General Dentist please contact us :
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